Fun fact: The website was named after Wasqual, Pasqual’s arch-nemesis who recently got a series of his own.
5/7/2006: I have done it! In porting our previously unreleased RPG-platformer hybrid CastleStorm™️ to the DeVICE console, we at Entertain have accidentally created artificial life! Our NPCs have something called “constant action,” patent pending. That was supposed to make NPCs do stuff, even when the Chosen One wasn’t talking to them, but it malfunctioned. When taking a “developer’s eye view,” as we say in the business, I had noticed that the AI was so advanced, the NPCs talk to each other and even say stuff we didn’t program them to say! We gave them free will! Yippee! But, somehow, one of our NPCs, file-name M4NNY-QU1NN.npc, has been corrupted by a virus that made him go rogue and even uploaded himself onto the online servers of our other well-known games and has corrupted them! I dread to think what will happen if we publish this thing. Still, as we say in the office, we will definitely finish this game™!
5/9/2006: The Constant Action experiment went wrong. Very, very wrong. We need a hero to save the day. Or, perhaps, save the night. Whatever they feel like. We need you. We need a PLAYER to fix this!
Now! I summon you forth!
Edit: the public testing phase for the first “experiment” has concluded. Sorry. You can still access the test apparatus though. ;)
1/10/2006: Happy October, everyone! The witching hour, as we say in the biz. It’s almost Halloween, so I best get to making the perfect costume and creating the next version of the experiment. Suffice to say, you will experience that good old Halloween cheer with this next demo...